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Shawn's Intelligent Agents Review

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Personal computer system

e-Surveiller 1.5 -


E-Surveiller is a monitoring AI agent that records activities on local or global computers including internet activity, instant messaging, programs launched and the duration they were active, and many other tools.  The latest version of the tool is 1.5 and from an IT perspective, I believe the tool is invaluable for several reasons.  First, this tool will allow an administrator of e-surveiller to see exactly what every user is doing.  If productivity is an issue with a specific employee, e-surveiller can track exactly what the employee is doing.  The product can track software program usage, keystrokes, and remotely show you what the employee is doing on his or her computer real-time.   Another feature is for a company’s protection.  If an employee is going to unauthorized websites, or downloading any number of things illegally, the organization can quickly stop it before it becomes an issue.  The software usage option of this product can help procurement managers in purchasing the correct licenses for a specific product, because e-surveiller can report who uses a specific program and for how long.  Those who do not use a specific software package can have it uninstalled, and the license can be reused with an employee who could benefit from the package. 

            I believe that this AI tool is a great benefit for organizations of all sizes, as well as for home use.  E-Surveiller can enhance employee productivity as well as save the company money from unused software. With the ease of installation and configuration, a company can rest assure knowing what their employees are doing on the company network.


Web Whacker -


Web Whacker is an webAI tool that allows an internet user to navigate to a specific website and download it to the users’ hard-drive to browse the site off-line.  All links and sub-pages of each site are available once the download completes.  I find this type of AI tool extremely beneficial because of my frequent travel schedule.  Since I cannot get internet access while on an airplane, this tool makes it easy for me to download the website locally so I can get all of the content while I am in the air.  Another useful piece of the Web Whacker tool is the automatic update feature.  If there is a website that I visit frequently, I can add the URL to the web whacker favorites and setup the AI to automatically update all of the content for off-line browsing as soon as I am connected to the internet.  The agent is smart enough to only download changes that have occurred on the site and I do not have to spend additional time downloading the entire website again.  You don’t have to navigate to the website, or even open your internet browser.  Once the computer is connected to the internet, a dialog box opens that asks if you would like to update your favorites, and it quickly downloads the changes for me to browse off-line at my leisure.  That can make all the difference in the world when you are paying for internet service, or only have a few minutes to connect to the internet to check e-mail or some other activity. If you are a frequent traveler, I think the Web Whacker is an especially useful and handy tool. 


Copernic Summarizer -


The Copernic Summarizer is a searching AI tool that creates concise document summaries of any file or Web page so you spend considerably less time reading without missing any important information. I have found this tool especially handy because of my pursuit of a Bachelors degree while working full-time.  This AI tool is a small light-weight tool that integrates with all major programs and web browsers to summarize information on a specific key-word search or an entire website.  A great feature of this tool is the ability to export any information into a file for later review.  This is another great feature because of my busy schedule and frequent travel for my company.  This tool is dynamic in that as soon as I change my keyword search or a website I am viewing, the summarizer quickly evaluates the webpage and provides summary results quickly.  If you choose to delete concepts from a summary, the agent will reevaluate and take out any additional references to the concept that was deleted.  The agent is extremely customizable and it seems to learn my preferences the more I use it. 


I believe that the Copernic Summarizer is a very useful tool for anyone who has limited time and needs to get relevant information on the internet without sifting through much unnecessary content. 


Learning Team B
University of Phoenix
July 10, 2006